dag des oordeels - translation to Αγγλικά
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dag des oordeels - translation to Αγγλικά

dag des oordeels         
Dag Hammarskjold         
  • The Dag Hammarskjöld centre in Uppsala
  • UN headquarters]] in [[New York City]], 1953
  • da}}
  • A spiritual quote by Dag Hammarskjöld engraved in the stone wall within the Peace Chapel of the [[International Peace Garden]].
  • Hammarskjöld's grave in [[Uppsala]]
  • Memorial at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City
  • UN flag at half-mast
  • Hammarskjöld's birthplace in [[Jönköping]].
Dag Hammarskjold; Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjold; Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjöld; Dag Hammerskjold; Dag Hammerskjöld; Dag hammarsköld; Dag hammarskoeld; Dag Hammerskjoeld; Dag hammarskold; Dag Hammarskjoeld; Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjoeld; Dag (Hjalmar Agne Carl) Hammarskjold; Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammerskjold; Death of Dag Hammarskjöld
Dag Hammarskjold, (1905-1961) Zweedse econoom en diplomaat, Secretaris-Generaal van de Verenigde Naties (1953-1961)
Des Moines         
  • The Grand Concourse, between the Grandstand and the Varied Industries Building, during the 2006 Iowa State Fair
  • The 4th Street Neighborhood is within the Court Avenue Entertainment District of Downtown Des Moines.
  • [[Lyndon B. Johnson]] in Des Moines on June 30, 1966, near 5th Avenue and the (now-demolished) Hotel Franklin
  • Excavation of the prehistoric component of the Bird's Run Site in Des Moines
  • access-date=November 21, 2017}}</ref>
  • The Civic Center of Greater Des Moines
  • Exterior of the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden building and dome
  • Downtown Des Moines night skyline looking northwest
  • Aerial view of Des Moines, 2012
  • The population of Des Moines, Iowa from US census data
  • Des Moines Art Center
  • Des Moines Municipal Building]]
  • Locust Street looking east from 4th Street toward the Iowa State Capitol in East Village
  • Astronaut photography of Des Moines taken from the [[International Space Station]]
  • A new Des Moines Skywalk Entrance
  • An aerial view of floodwaters,<br /> July 19, 1993
  • Flood of Des Moines, 1851
  • Interstate 235]]
  • Map of prehistoric and historic American Indian sites in downtown Des Moines<ref>Modified from ''Newsletter of the [[Iowa Archeological Society]]'' 58(1):8</ref>
  • The [[Iowa State Capitol]], completed in 1886, is one of two state capitols to feature five domes, a central golden dome surrounded by four smaller domes. The other is the [[Rhode Island State House]].
  • Kruidenier Trail bridge across Gray's Lake
  • Other}}
  • The State of Iowa Historical Museum is near the state capitol in Des Moines' East Village.
  • Sec Taylor Field at Principal Park, during a May 28, 2006, game against the [[Nashville Sounds]]. The Iowa Capitol is visible beyond the center-field wall.
  • Skywalks connecting buildings over 8th Street in the Downtown Core of Des Moines
  • Des Moines Capitol building, 1917
  • The Pappajohn Sculpture Park in the Downtown's [[Western Gateway Park]] plays host to the [[Des Moines Arts Festival]].
  • Wells Fargo Arena
Des Moines; Des Moines, IA; UN/LOCODE:USDSM; Demoine; Demoins; Des Moines (IA); Moines; Des Moines Iowa; Des moines, ia; De moines; Capital of Iowa; Des Moines, Iowa, United States; History of Des Moines, Iowa; Redhead Park (Des Moines, Iowa); Greenwood Park (Des Moines); GREENWOOD PARK of DES MOINES IOWA; Waveland Park (Des Moines, Iowa); Union Park (Des Moines, Iowa); UNION PARK of DES MOINES IOWA; REDHEAD PARK of DES MOINES IOWA; WAVELAND PARK of DES MOINES IOWA; Geography of Des Moines, Iowa; Simon Estes Riverfront Amphitheater; Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway (Des Moines); City of Des Moines, Iowa
Des Moines (hoofdstad van Iova in centrale gedeelte van de Verenigde Staten)


·noun A misty shower; dew.
II. Dag ·noun A dagger; a poniard.
III. Dag ·vt To daggle or bemire.
IV. Dag ·noun A large pistol formerly used.
V. Dag ·noun A loose end; a dangling shred.
VI. Dag ·noun The unbranched antler of a young deer.
VII. Dag ·vi To be misty; to Drizzle.
VIII. Dag ·vt To cut into jags or points; to Slash; as, to dag a garment.


Dag des oordeels
Dag des oordeels, ook wel jongste dag of laatste oordeel, is een begrip voor een dag die in zowel joodse,Cultuurnetwerk: Het Laatste Oordeel christelijke als islamitische religieuze boeken wordt genoemd als de dag waarop over alle mensen een oordeel geveld zal worden door God. De dag des oordeels vormt de kern van de eschatologie van deze drie abrahamitische religies.